April 18, 2017: English Mini-Lesson

Hello there, Freedom students.  It has certainly been very warm lately, aren’t you happy?  I am!  Let’s get this week going with an English mini-lesson! Choose the correct verb conjugation: “The marathon ____________ through the suburbs and ends in the city.” a)      ...

TOEIC Vocab Monday: Pretend

TOEIC Vocab Monday: pretend Hello Freedom students!  Here’s a great TOEIC vocabulary word to start your week! Pretend (v) – behave as though something is true (when it is not); imaginary “I used to pretend I could fly.” What did you used to pretend?  Do you pretend...

Famous Quote Friday: Kurt Vonnegut

Famous Quote Friday: Kurt Vonnegut Hiya Freedom students!  Today, I have a new famous quote for you.  Today’s quote comes from the famous novelist, Kurt Vonnegut.  Vonnegut was born in 1922 in Indianapolis, Indiana.  He joined the Army in 1943 and served in World War...

April 11, 2017: English Mini-Lesson

Hello there, Freedom students.  It’s quite the rainy day today.  Let’s cheer up with an English mini-lesson! Choose the correct English word: “Wow, the rain is really ________!” a)       Pouring b)      Poured c)       Pour d)      To pour What do you think?  Let us...